Here's a compilation list by Computer Support 24/7 of symbols and symptoms and how to know if a person is a tech or internet addict.
- You get up in the morning; hunt for your mobile and check for updates;
- You feel pretty depressed because your internet is not working;
- You speak of a Facebook friend you've never met to the public or office space;
- You think you are using Facebook "just to connect with friends";
- You always update your status- say every 15 mins;
- You are always enjoying when internet is here;
- You feel lonely and out of the world even when you're in a party;
- You brag about your new achievement in an online game;
- You are not trolled easily.. and you can detect scam emails easily (and research says it)
- You just read this list, meaning: you are probably an addict :P
Are in you the list? Sorry for the last one, I had to prank on someone :)
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